Setting up companies in UAE

Setting up companies in the Mainland in UAE is the most beneficial among all other formations because of easy procedures and other features.

First requirement for starting a company in mainland is having a sponsor from emirati. The professionals at Gulf best will assist you to find very trustworthy local sponsors for our clients in order to make smooth operations

Another inevitable requirement is getting the licence from DED ( Dubai Economic Department) and the firm must be registered under DED. The local sponsor should sign all the legal documents

Advantages of starting a mainland company

Comparative simple procedures and some extra freedom to owners of business make mainland business formation a coveted thing A few grounds to select Dubai Mainland for setting up a company are given here

  • To make a Dubai Mainland license, as per the law, No capital investment is needed.
  • The corporate tax relaxation for the mainland business owners .
  • The steps to obtain Company license for a Mainland Dubai company formation is comparatively simple.
  • Effortless procedures for procuring visas.
  • Repatriation, that is, the investment amount can be transferred to the home country of the business owner.
  • The Business location can be decided anywhere in the UAE.
Attractive offers to all kind of business